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TB Pasquale

Dear Emily,

I have fallen in love with your mission and how you are acting it out in word and deed and ritual. I would love, if I could, to take a bit of your time to discuss your worship practice. I am a therapist, teacher of contemplative prayer, leader of a young adults spirituality group, and on the precipice of beginning a worship service for the 20s,30s, and 40s crowd. I am a passionate advocate for the pairing of contemplation and action and a believer in the power of spiritual ritual. I would love to speak with you by email if you have the time.

Blessings and prayers to you,
TB Pasquale @ http://www.crookedmystic.com

Emily Scott

Dear TB,

What a wonderful comment to receive. I'd be happy to shoot a few e-mails back and forth. Write me at [email protected].


Karen Matthias-Long

On this Holy Saturday, I found this eloquent piece that you have written. It moved me in ways that I did not expect. I think I was meant to find it. (Funny, I just read your most recent blog entry, "Ripeness and Rot" and it was about timing - and this entry, here - hit me in timely fashion). Tonight at dinner I told my 23 year old son that it mean a lot to me if he would worship with me tomorrow, Easter. But, it is obvious. He has no interest. He may even be calling himself agnostic or atheist these days. I don't know. But, it hurts - and I'm not sure why, because I know that God loves him no matter what. I just know what joy, comfort, peace I have from being a believer (although I have my doubts, too...)

Maybe it's still his way of finding himself or rebelling - after all, his father and I work for the church and his grandfather and great-grandfather were pastors....still...

But, this whole thing about "letting go" as you wrote - and listening and watching....Those words speak powerfully to me now. I really do need to let go - and trust this to God. I sure wish there were a way to talk with him about his doubts - I am willing to listen to those without trying to change his views. Wish we could find a way to talk about matters of faith and doubt...maybe in time this will happen. Maybe letting go, watching, listening are the what I need to do now. Maybe there will come a time when the leaven is ready. Maybe...

I sincerely thank you for your reflection. You have been shepherd to me in the pain I am feeling and for that I give you - and God - thanks.

Have a blessed, joyful Easter!

Emily Scott

Karen, thank you so much for writing. It is so difficult to sit back and let God take the lead...I struggle with it aaaallllllll the time!

I hope you are well.


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