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Ann Fontaine

Has any one written this from a Latino or Asian perspective?

Emily Scott

Hi Ann -- I don't know of any hispanic perspectives but I would recommend Eric Law's work. His an Episcopal Priest of Asian decent who does a great deal of work in diversity. Here's a recent post on Ferguson. http://ehflaw.typepad.com


Hi, Emily~
I just shared your post in the RevGalBlogPals Facebook group - thanks for writing this exhortation.
Martha Spong


Well said. Thank you for this.

Jessica Harren

Thank you so much for posting this! I have lost my voice, but that gives me the chance to amplify someone else's voice tomorrow morning, and your post gave me the courage to do it! Thank you so much! I am having a lay person read this post tomorrow: https://www.facebook.com/BenjaminWatsonOfficial/posts/602172116576590, after citing stats about black people killed by police. After each paragraph, since our advent theme is hope is helpful, I'll have the congregation repeat that. I hope this works. On the bright side, I can't actually respond much to verbal comments after the service due to the no voice thing.

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